Common Rendering Mistakes
It can be easy to make an error when carrying out construction or renovation work, and it is no different when applying render to a wall. Rendering a surface is much more than just spreading layers of mortar on a surface. It takes time and care to get it right.
Continue reading to learn more about the most common mistakes people make when rendering a wall.
Failing to Prepare the Wall Correctly
Before beginning the rendering process, you first need to prepare the surface to which you will be applying the render. Preparation includes cleaning the walls and removing debris, spiderwebs and dirt from the surface. You can do this by using a hose and stiff brush or by using a mild detergent.
You should also ensure that there are no bumps or cracks in the wall before applying the render.
If you fail to prepare the wall properly, the result will be a rough and uneven render surface, which nobody wants, as it makes your home look unsightly.
Applying The Wrong Amount of Layers
If you apply too much of the render mixture to the wall, it may not dry properly, resulting in a thick layer that will most likely crack over time.
However, if the layer of render is too thin, it will not provide enough protection against the elements and fail to add insulation to the structure.
Not Applying the Render With Enough Force
Unlike paint, when you apply render to the surface, it needs to be done with enough force that it binds to the wall and stays intact, as well as covers any small holes or gaps in the wall.
Not Using a Bonding Agent
It’s essential to use a bonding agent when rendering a wall so that the render adheres to the surface. If you don’t use a bonding agent, the render can come away from the wall and start to crack.
Using Too Much Sealer
Using too much sealer can result in a messy render mixture.
Sealers are mainly used to give the render a clean finish and to prevent moisture and staining. But only a little bit is needed to do the job.
Not Enough Curing Time
If you plan on adding paint or a decorative finish to the render, you must ensure that you give the render enough time to cure and dry (around a month). If you don’t allow enough time for the render to set and dry, it can result in the render cracking and peeling.
Not Using a Trowel
The trowel is an essential tool to have on hand when rendering a wall. It helps smooth the render and gives it a neat and smooth finish.
It is important to apply the render in the right weather conditions. If applied in over 30 degree heat, the render can crack and shrink. On the other hand, if applied in cold temperatures (below 5 degrees), the render may not adhere to the wall effectively or freeze and expand while setting.
If it is raining, the render will wash right off, or the rain will soak into the render, and once it evaporates, it will leave behind a white powdery substance known as efflorescence.
If it is too humid, the render can take longer to dry, encouraging mildew and mould growth. Wind can also play havoc with the rendering process by speeding up the drying process, which can lead to cracking, and by carrying dust and debris, which can stick to the wet render.
The best time to render a wall would be during a mild day with low humidity and no wind.
Hiring Unexperienced Professionals
While there are many rendering professionals in Australia, they are not all equal when it comes to experience and skill. If you’re planning on hiring a professional to carry out your rendering project, it’s best to do some research before hiring someone to ensure that they have the experience necessary.
Visit their website, read reviews and try to find examples of their work before making a final decision. It’s best to have a few options in mind, just in case.
If you take into consideration all the potential issues listed above, your rendering project should go quite smoothly.
Of course, if you’re still not feeling confident about doing the rendering yourself, it’s best to call in the professionals. At Sydney Cement Rendering, we’re more than happy to help you out!
We take pride in being Sydney’s trusted rendering experts and providing our customers with the highest quality rendering services. Contact us at 0402 704 984 or visit our website: to find out more about what we offer!