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Acrylic render is a type of render that contains acrylic (plastic), which makes it stronger and more flexible than other types of render. It is commonly applied to concrete or brick walls. The use of acrylic rendering has increased over the last decade due to its durability and ease of application. It is an excellent choice for Australian homes because it is resilient and durable enough to withstand extreme weather conditions.

Continue reading to find out more about acrylic rendering.

What is Acrylic Rendering?

Acrylic rendering is similar to cement rendering, with one main difference: it contains acrylic (plastic) in the mixture, which makes it stronger and more flexible. It is suitable to use on most surfaces, although it works best on brick or concrete walls.

Acrylic render is pre-mixed in different combinations: some have a combination of lime and sand, which increases its water resistance, while others contain cement and polymer additives.

Advantages of Acrylic Rendering

The advantages of acrylic rendering include:

  • Durability: Adding acrylic to the render mixture makes it stronger and more resilient than other render forms.
  • Flexibility: Rendering expands and contracts over time due to changes in the weather. Acrylic render is more flexible, which means it doesn’t crack as easily as other render types.
  • Water resistance: The addition of acrylic in the render mixture makes it more water-resistant than cement rendering. This is one of the main reasons why acrylic rendering has become more popular over recent years.
  • Quick rendering process: Acrylic rendering sets and dries fairly quickly once it is applied. This means that the overall application is quick, reducing overall costs and saving you time and effort.
  • Adhesion to all surfaces: Acrylic render can be applied to multiple surfaces including brick, concrete, fibre cement, blueboard and masonry.
  • Colour: Colour can be added to the render mix before it is applied, so you don’t have to worry about painting the wall after the render has been applied. Your chosen colour has already been added to the acrylic render mix, saving you money.
  • Different finishes: Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose smooth or roughly textured finishes for your walls.
  • Colour retention: Acrylic render has colour retention properties, meaning it is less likely to fade due to exposure to the elements.
  • Better for your home: Acrylic render is better for your home. As it is water-resistant, there is a lower risk of mould and fungi forming.

Disadvantages of Acrylic Rendering

The disadvantages of acrylic rendering include:

  • Price: Acrylic render can be more expensive than other render types. This is because it comes pre-mixed and is applied as a top coat, meaning that a base coat needs to be applied first.
  • Less breathable: Because acrylic render has a tight seal, it is less breathable than other rendering types.
  • Can’t be applied to wood: Although acrylic render is very versatile, it still faces some limitations. It can’t be applied to wood, plywood or weatherboard surfaces.

How to Apply Acrylic Render

The best way to apply acrylic render include:

  • Prepare the surface: Clean the surface of any debris, dirt or dust with a brush or hose, water and soap.
  • Mix the render: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and mix the render using water. Ensure that there are no lumps.
  • Apply a base coat: Apply a base coat using a trowel. This base coat acts as a bonding agent.
  • Apply a topcoat: Apply the acrylic render as a topcoat.
  • Create a finish: If you plan on adding a textured finish, now is the time. Use different tools like a sponge, brush or trowel to create the desired effect you’re after.
  • Drying time: Acrylic render dies pretty quickly. However, giving it plenty of time to cure and dry is still important.
  • Final inspection: Inspect the finished jobs for any cracks or imperfections.

If you want to find out more about Acrylic Rendering, give Sydney Cement Rendering a call! We take pride in being Sydney’s trusted rendering experts and providing our customers with the highest quality rendering services. Contact us at 0402 704 984 or visit our website: to find out more about what we offer!